Diablo iv leaks
Diablo iv leaks

diablo iv leaks

With Diablo 4 set to release next year, expect a lot more work to be done and changes to be made before we get our hands on it. Halfway through the 38-minute video, a short feedback survey even pops up, asking the player for their thoughts on the game in its current state. Lots of buildings are missing their textures, a few icons are yet to be put in, and some sound effects are absent.

diablo iv leaks

However, it is believed that the developers will come forward with more news, including the pre-orders, in December at The Game Awards.The footage is clearly taken from an early version of the game. This is in line with what Blizzard’s Senior Director of Global PR Christy Um previously mentioned that the in-game microtransactions will only have cosmetic items.īlizzard has yet to release a statement addressing the leak. The video also shows us the in-game store simply called "The Shop" where players can buy cosmetic items. This supports the suggestion that the video is from an Alpha Test. The test build is unfinished as some elements such as bridges and buildings do not have textures yet. The footage also gives us a sneak peek at the skills that the Barbarian has. The leaked video shows off a Barbarian character completing quests and exploring the map. What can we expect from Diablo 4? The test footage shows off some of the Barbarian's skills. However, if you look closely, you can make out a watermark that says "Private Test Build 304286289." This should make it easy to trace the ones responsible for leaking the video.īlizzard can and, most likely, will pursue legal action against the individuals who have broken their signed Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).

diablo iv leaks

The voices heard in the first video were modulated in an attempt to conceal their identities. The people talking in the video are not the ones playing the game as you can hear them discussing the footage. Follow Xfire on Google and be the first to get our latest content!

Diablo iv leaks